Deepak Chopra & Shekhar Kapur's Ramayan 3392 AD Volume 2: Reloaded - Tome of the Wastelands (v. 2) by Shamik Dasgupta
Deepak Chopra & Shekhar Kapur's Ramayan 3392 AD Volume 2: Reloaded - Tome of the Wastelands (v. 2) by Shamik Dasgupta PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
In a futuristic world, an apocalyptic devastation has destroyed most of mankind, and in its wake created the monstrous being Ravan. As humanity struggles to survive, Ravan and his dark hordes threaten to destroy what's left of man. But hope is alive, and on the run. With brother Lakhsman and Seeta, the daughter of Mother Earth, Rama sets out on a perilous journey in search of haven from Ravan's bloody grip. Prince Rama's journey has just begun...From reader reviews:
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