Sunday, 5 July 2015

PDF⋙ Rootkits, Spyware/Adware, Keyloggers and Backdoors: Detection and Neutralization by Oleg Zaytsev

Rootkits, Spyware/Adware, Keyloggers and Backdoors: Detection and Neutralization by Oleg Zaytsev

Rootkits, Spyware/Adware, Keyloggers and Backdoors: Detection and Neutralization

Rootkits, Spyware/Adware, Keyloggers and Backdoors: Detection and Neutralization by Oleg Zaytsev PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Covering the wide range of technologies implemented by contemporary malware programs such as rootkits, keyloggers, spyware, adware, back doors, and network and mail worms, this practical guide for system administrators and experienced users covers approaches to computer investigation and how to locate and destroy malicious programs without using antiviral software. Examples such as protocol fragments, operating principles of contemporary malicious programs, and an overview of specialized software for finding and neutralizing malware are presented, and the accompanying CD-ROM includes programs for system analysis and an antiviral utility intended for investigating the system and detecting rootkits and keyloggers.

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Rootkits, Spyware/Adware, Keyloggers and Backdoors: Detection and Neutralization by Oleg Zaytsev EPub

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