Sunday, 17 January 2016

PDF⋙ Suck Eggs by June Whyte

Suck Eggs by June Whyte

Suck Eggs

Suck Eggs by June Whyte PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Chiana Ryan, (sort-of ) PI, is deep in the middle of another exciting mystery. This time, it involves eggs. First there’s the 120 million-year-old dinosaur egg that disappears from its stand at the museum. And then there’s the shed full of eggs Cha and Jack stumble across while investigating crazy Professor T. Goodenough’s scary signs.

Such as “Do Not Enter—Vicious Bull Eats People.”

What do these eggs have in common? What strange creatures are hatching from the eggs in Professor Goodenough’s shed? And how can Chiana find time to follow the clues when the owner of Treehaven Riding School keeps her busy riding and looking after the horses?

Horses, friends and a surprisingly well-camouflaged undercover cop play an important role in helping to solve this egg mystery. Especially when the thieves discover Cha has stolen the dinosaur egg from them and intends returning it to the museum. Suddenly, it’s horses against motor bikes in a desperate race for survival…

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